Welcome to the Wantagh Bay Yacht Club

Current News

A Message From Our Commodore

May 15, 2016


Well, Here we go! The website is up and running! I have to start by thanking fellow member Kevin Coveney for all his dedication and hours spent making this page up and running. There will be baby steps with this as we move forward but the end result will make our information better to understand and communicate within the club. Thanks again Kevin!

So, our excitement continues with a new boating season and our annual Blessing of the Fleet and Memorial Day party. Unfortunately, we will not have a building again to host this year but looking at the progress being done on our new building we can assume we will be there next May. The Lighthouse is all ready to be lit at night. That should be a nice welcome back into the marina. Hopefully, the weather will be great and everyone will enjoy themselves. We have a lot of activities planned for our club throughout the summer. Please check the calendar as the events will have the info and times etc. Hoping you all have a wonderful and safe boating season!


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